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All schools are obligated to enforce the NYS Public Health law 2164 which states that no child will be admitted to school,or in the case of students entering from outside New York State, be allowed to attend school in excess of 14 days without satisfactory written evidence that the child has been immunized. All children born on or after January 1, 2005, must be immunized against pertussis and tetanus for entry and attendance.

Important reminder: All students entering 6th grade are required to have a booster containing diptheria, tetanus, and accellular pertussis known as Boostrix or Tdap. Please schedule a medical appointment with your health care provider and submit proof of this immunization to the nurse for your child's permanent record.

For additional immunization information the NYS Department of Health at 518-474-1944 or the Suffolk County Department of Health at 631-851-3081 are great resources.