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Membership Expectations

1.  ATTENDANCE: Members are expected to attend 80% of all chapter meetings.  Attendance is defined as attending the entire meeting. Meetings will take place the first Thursday of each month at 7:00pm via Zoom.  Members are responsible for knowing what happens at meetings and staying current with group service projects.


2.  SERVICE: Service is best defined as any activity whose impact is felt within the community, even if the community is only one or two people. Members are expected to fulfill a minimum of 5 hours of school/community service per quarter.  Three (3) of the community service hours must be school related.  Members may get together to perform these services. This work must not be service completed as required by any other organization (including religious classes). Individual hours must be tracked on the Service Hours form. Deadlines for submission of forms must be met by the end of each marking quarter. Please see "Service Hour Form" link attached below.


Examples: school events, peer tutoring, church work, collecting for charities, working at a food pantry, working at the Goodwill, community events, working with elementary students, etc.


3.  ACADEMIC STANDING: Members must continue to be in good standing in NJHS in all required areas. Cumulative GPA must not drop below 92% or have any incompletes. Students will be notified in writing if and when either grades or citizenship fall below the minimum requirements