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Have A Great Summer

Posted Date: 7/01/24 (11:59 AM)

Year End Reflections
The hallways are quiet and the dust has settled on the 2023-2024 school year. 
I know there are a ton of ways to measure a year. 
  1. We took over 30 field trips this year 
  2. Of our students that sat for Regents this year-- We had an 86% pass rate 
  3. Of our students that sat for Checkpoint B exams-- we had 100% pass rate
  4. We raised over $15,000 total this year in support of so many worthwhile causes near and dear to us.
  5. Our SIS Students 
    1. Were recognized for their instrumental skill
    2. Were county-recognized varsity athletes
    3. Were undefeated on the baseball field
    4. Performed musicals in front of packed auditoriums, danced in front of community members, and told
      Aztec legends in front of our Board of Education

None of that would have been possible without your partnership, your patience, and your collaboration. Thank you for a great year and I hope your summer is relaxing and restful. 

Second Semester Highlights

Students' gallery walked and celebrated the contributions of Black leaders past and present (even future). Our clubs all put up thoughtful and visually stunning displays covering art, politics, science, sports, art, and literature. It was an honor to see everything come together for this special afternoon. Ms. Martin's class performed Los Novios for parents. Their creativity and dedication to the roles lead me to ask them to put on an encore for our Board and the community. We also underwent a close-up examination of MTSS and what we are trying to accomplish when we participated in the Tri-State review. So many of our parents, students, and staff gave their time to support the work of the tristate committee. 

In March we welcomed the thaw of winter and with spring we saw our SIS Mock Trial team competing up the Island with passion and preparation making everyone proud. In March we also rallied around the cause of "bringing the change, being the change". Our annual change wars not only brought in hundreds of dollars for the community

We did a masterful job ushering CBT in ELA and then math in May. We also began NYSESLAT administration. We all pulled together to make sure students were given the environments they needed for testing. Our 8th grade also got to see the NY Mets take home the 'W'.. When they beat up on the pirates. 

We inducted the newest members to the NJHS. We also saw over 30 of our students were honored at the ISA moving up ceremony. Spending the evening with our students that have worked so hard to grow their bilingual skills was such a grounding experience. To share the stage with SIS teachers, and Dr. Martinez as we honored our 8th Grade ISA students was an honor. May also saw NJHS mobilized to make this year's run against hunger a giant success. The response from our students affirmed my belief that our students are well on their way to becoming the change agents we need them to be. We raised money, we ran, we played, we honored each other

There were so many inspiring events this last month. I know that we get so crazy with end of year activities and you all took it with grace and composure. There wasn't a moment that was too big or too much for us. Quite the opposite. We even looked to add more events as the year came to a close. 
  • Award Night 
  • Banquet
  • Moving Up
  • Beach trips 
  • Field days 
  • End of year trips 
  • LI Music Festival

Thank you again for a wonderful year. I cannot wait to see everyone again in September! 

Mr. Bentsen 
Upcoming Events
7.8 First Day of summer enrichment
9.4 School begins for students