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SIS Counseling Department Newsletter

Posted Date: 2/05/25 (7:09 PM)

SIS is celebrating National School Counseling Week!
This year's theme is Helping Students Thrive

Southampton Intermediate School Counseling Department Newsletter

Counseling Staff 
Mrs. Hughes Johnson - 8th Grade
Mr. Duroseau - 7th Grade
Mrs. Buccio - Granados - 6th Grade
Mrs. Germain - 5th Grade
Ms. Vasquez - Office Assistant

Fall Highlights:
- Unity Day 
- Red Ribbon Week 
- Classroom Counseling Lessons

Unity Day & Red Ribbon Week Programs 

Unity Day is the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Month where schools come together to send a visible message of building commUNITY through kindness, acceptance and inclusion to prevent bullying. School Counselors and staff worked with students on activities that promote kindness, and inclusion. We also took a school picture with all students wearing their bright orange Unity Day Shirt!

Red Ribbon Spirit Week was celebrated at SIS the last week of October. The SIS School Counseling team planned a week of events and activities for students centered around making healthy choices and staying committed to a drug free lifestyle.

What is the role of a middle school counselor? 
SIS Counselors support students during a time of rapid growth and change as they transition from childhood to adolescence.  They assist students realize their academic potential and also help students foster their identity, self-esteem and personal development at a time when they begin to experience social pressures. 

Counseling Department Grade Level Recent Activities  
5th Grade - Mrs. Germain started the school year with a lesson on transitioning to the intermediate school and recently conducted a S.M.A.R.T. goals lesson. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound) Students learned how to identify a SMART goal and how to create one. Students created academic, personal and long-term goals for themselves.

6th Grade - Mrs. Buccio started the year with a check-in "getting to know you and team building activity." The goal of the activity was to learn more about each other on shared similarities and also what makes us unique. To kick off 2025, Mrs. Buccio conducted a lesson about S.M.A.R.T. goals. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound) Students learned how to identify a SMART goal and how to create one. Students created academic, personal and long-term goals for themselves. 

7th Grade - Mr. Duroseau sends an "academic check-in google form" to all students each quarter. Some questions include "What was the hardest part of my classes this quarter? What can I do to improve next quarter? Who do I feel comfortable talking to about my grades? (Teachers, parents, counselor, etc.) These questions teach the students how to self reflect and create solutions to possible academic struggles. Mr. Duroseau uses the information to communicate to teachers and administrators and also to schedule academic support and parent meetings. 

8th Grade - Mrs. Hughes Johnson has been busy helping students prepare for their transition to high school and has worked closely with the 9th grade counselor, Ms. Crofts on the 5-phase Freshman Orientation Program.  Mrs. Hughes-Johnson also continues to meet with students and parents to provide academic intervention and support for struggling students. 
The planning has also begun for "Buddy Day" with the Southampton Elementary School Counselor, Mrs. Arnzen.  They are preparing for the 4th grade students to come to SIS for a day to experience the Intermediate School. 4th grade students will shadow a 5th grade "buddy", attend classes and meet their 5th grade teachers.

Upcoming Events:
- March Madness - College and Career Lessons - Counselors will provide students with career and college information. Stay tuned for March Madness theme days and activities!

- Individual Annual Review-Scheduling Meetings with Counselors and Students/Families - The Counseling Department will be reaching out to all families to set up appointments to discuss your child's academic progress and class schedule for next school year. Be on the lookout for appointment requests.

February  2025